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April 08 – 09, 2025 | Frankfurt/Hanau, Germany
DYNAmore GmbH
DYNAmore is dedicated to support engineers in solving nonlinear mechanical as well as multiphysical problems numerically. The product portfolio includes the finite element solver LS-DYNA, the pre-/postprocessor LS-PrePost and the optimization software LS-OPT as well as numerous FE models needed for crash simulation. The main field of activity is to sell, teach, support, and co-develop the software LS-DYNA and LS-OPT. In addition, DYNAmore provides engineering services for numerical analysis and integrate simulation software in the CAE environment. DYNAmore is one of the first addresses for pilot studies and development projects with respect to the simulation of nonlinear dynamic problems. You will find DYNAmore in Stuttgart, Dresden, Ingolstadt, Berlin, Langlingen, Wolfsburg, Zurich (CH), Linköping (S), Gothenburg (S), Versailles (F), Turin (I) and Dublin, Ohio (USA).
GNS - Gesellschaft für Numerische Simulation mbH
SCALE offers software solutions and IT services for process and simulation
data management in the automotive and other industry sectors.
Main software products are LoCo for simulation data management, CAViT for integrated post data management for tests and simulation, and Status.E for monitoring of requirements and project status.
Our range of services includes software development for process and data management, finite element method development, and numerical optimization for the functional design of vehicle components.
SCALE is a development partner of leading automotive companies.
We are also actively involved in research projects on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for applications in automotive industries, in collaboration with one of the best universities and institutes in Germany.
At SCALE we believe in innovation, creativity and always thrive for excellence.
Staff of SCALE is a mixture of experienced CAE-Engineers and computer scientists.
“Big-data” and “numerical simulation results” are the focal points for SIDACT’s scientific research, development and distribution of applications.
In particular, SIDACT concentrates on compressing numerical simulation results for improved usability and uses advanced math for the analysis of such results for new and enhanced insights.
TECOSIM Technische Simulation GmbH
With its some 500 employees, TECOSIM is a highly capable partner for development processes and a world-leading specialist in computer-aided engineering (CAE). The group has locations in Germany, Japan, India, Romania, the US and the UK.
The company assists customers in the health, transport, energy and industry sectors. Its engineers carry out challenging tasks in design, engineering, simulation, electronics and software development either in their own branches or on site on the customer’s premises. Process optimisation methods complement the range of services. TECOSIM has also set up comprehensive expertise centres for current technological further developments in the automotive industry. These centres bring together knowledge about alternative drive systems, self-driving vehicles and intelligent driver assistance systems to provide it for specific tasks.