Call for Proposals for the Altair Enlighten Award® 2018

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The award will be presented on July 30, 2018 during the 53rd Annual CAR Management Briefing Seminar (MBS) in Traverse City, Michigan. Contributions to the Altair Enlighten Award are possible in four categories: Full Vehicle, Modules, Enabling Technology and the new category The Future of Lightweighting. The award in the category Full Vehicle is awarded for outstanding performance in weight savings of an entire vehicle. The Module Award is given for innovations in the lightweight construction of automotive components and subsystems. The Technology Award is given for technologies that make innovations in lightweight automotive construction possible - e.g. Materials, manufacturing processes or interconnect technologies. From 2018, the award will now feature "The Future of Lightweighting", a fourth category that will open the award for technologies that are not yet commercially available. In this category, the award is given for innovative ideas, processes, materials and technologies that have great potential for lightweight construction but have not yet been used in vehicle production. This category is open to incubators and start-ups, small to medium-sized businesses, research and development institutes, universities and start-ups.

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