Simulation of Automated Vehicles - MODULE C: Scenarios & Driving Functions

Simulation is a key technology in the research and development of highly automated and self-driving cars. More and more engineers use this powerful tool in their daily work to solve multidimensional and interdisciplinary problems. Simulation is mainly used where classical experiments (under controlled conditions) are not possible due to the size, number and complexity or also because of the impact on the environment. The increasing product complexity of software-defined vehicle systems and their mapping to digital twins also leads to deep supply chains in the simulation domain. To navigate this data ecosystem, it is not just about understanding the technology itself, but more importantly be able to confidently evaluate simulation models, methods and processes, know their limitations and optimize the relationship between business impact and resources used.
Who should attend?
Our certificate course "Simulation of Automated Vehicles" is open to applicants with a university degree in engineering or science. Applicants should have a basic understanding of virtual vehicle development and automated systems. The course is suitable for professionals, career changers or engaged newcomers who want to further qualify themselves in the simulation domain. Through the course, participants gain a broad and application-oriented knowledge.
Course Objectives
The application-oriented certificate course is designed to approach simulation-driven development of highly automated and self-driving cars from both a latest and a future technology perspective. In our online course we use a combination of live expert lectures with hands-on exercises to cover everything from creating digital twins of real world environments, sensor and ADAS technologies, driving functions through to validation and certification of automated vehicles. The course builds on standardization projects such as ASAM OpenX and covers open source software approaches to simplify participants' entry into the technology area. Unlock new career opportunities, expand your knowledge and benefit from interdisciplinary and up-to-date expertise convened by our 20+ top-class lecturers.
Course Contents
- Dr. Martin Fischer (DLR)
- Dr. Alexander Ahlert, Dr. Pascal Piecha (IPG Automotive GmbH)
- Christopher Wiegand (dSpace GmbH)
- Peter Lobner (eXXcellent solutions GmbH)
- Dr. Martin Benedikt (Virtual Vehicle Resarch GmbH)
- Prof. Daniel Watzenig / Markus Schratter (Virtual Vehicle Resarch GmbH)
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Betz (Technical University Munich)
- Participants + Module Lecturers
Dr. Martin Fischer
DLR - Institute of Transportation Systems
Dr. Martin Fischer studied Electrical Engineering at the Hanover University and got his degree in 2003. In 2009 he graduated as Dr.-Ing. at the University of Braunschweig with his work on “Motion-cueing algorithms for moving-based simulators”. He works for the German Aerospace Centre - Institute of Transportation Systems as a researcher and he is leading the group “Human-Centered Simulation” in the department “Validation and Verification”. His research focuses on human-in-the-loop simulation methods and technologies.
Dr. Alexander Ahlert
IPG Automotive GmbH
Alexander Ahlert received the M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2015. Afterwards he graduated as Dr.-Ing. at the Institute of Automotive Engineering Stuttgart at the University of Stuttgart in the field of vehicle dynamics, multi-body systems and control theory. At Porsche Engineering he was a systems engineer and effect chain responsible for predictive control driving functions and motion planning algorithms. Since 2020 he joined IPG Automotive GmbH as Branch Manager Stuttgart. He leads different teams in the areas of Test Systems and Engineering, Technical Support and Sales. His main interest and focus is on the topic of democratization of simulation and virtual test driving throughout the vehicle development process. Besides, he is a lecturer for vehicle technology at the Technical Academy Esslingen (TAE).
Dr. Pascal Piecha
IPG Automotive GmbH
Pascal Piecha is Global Education & University Program Manager at IPG Automotive GmbH and works on Research and Development topics regarding simulation and virtual test driving together with Universities, Research Institutes and Students world-wide. He studied mechanical engineering with the focus on powertrain development at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and received his M.Sc. in 2014. Working as a research assistant on the ECO-Powerdrive2 FFG project and covering the sustainable development of smaller powertrain systems (hand-held power-tools, motorcycles and more), he graduated as a Ph.D. in Technical Science from Graz University of Technology in 2019.
Dr.-Ing. Christopher Wiegand
Christopher Wiegand is Strategic Product Manager at dSPACE GmbH, where he is responsible for the business fields Modelling & Simulation and Scenario Generation & Library. He studied electrical engineering and received his Dipl.-Ing. degree from the University of Paderborn in 2007. He joined the Fraunhofer Institute and Sensor Technology Group of the University of Paderborn as a research engineer and received a doctor’s degree in electrical engineering in 2012.
Peter Lobner
eXXcellent solutions GmbH
Peter Lobner studied Computer Science at the University Ulm and graduated as Dipl. Inf. in 2011. He then started his career as a software engineer at eXXcellent solutions GmbH and has gained experience in the development of complex software solutions in different industry sectors like E-Learning, Energy and Automotive over more than 10 years. He is currently working as software architect and project manager in different projects. One is orchideo | easySSP, a cloud based model editor and simulator for the System Structure & Parameterization (SSP) Standard of the Modelica Association. Moreover, he is a member of Modelica's SSP working group and actively participating in evolving the standard further. His interests are focused mainly on the creation of innovative & collaborative SaaS solutions and agile leadership.
Dr. Martin Benedikt
Dr. Martin Bendedikt is Head of Co-Simulation & Software at VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research GmbH.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Watzenig
Daniel Watzenig received his M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Technical Science from Graz University of Technology, Austria, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. In 2009 he received the Venia Docendi (habilitation) for Electrical Measurement and Signal Processing. Since 2006 he has been Divisional Director and Scientific Head of the Automotive Electronics and Software Department of the Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH in Graz. In 2017 he has been appointed as Full Professor of Autonomous Driving at the Institute of Automation and Control, Graz University of Technology, Austria. He is founder and a team leader of the Autonomous Racing Graz Team, one of currently six teams of the global race series (Roborace). His research interests focus on sense & control of automated vehicles, signal processing, multi-sensor data fusion, uncertainty estimation and quantification, and robust optimization. He is author or co-author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, patents, and articles.
Markus Schratter
Virtual Vehicle Resarch GmbH
Markus Schratter is a researcher in the field of automated driving. He studied Information and Computer Engineering at Graz University of Technology. In 2011, he joined Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH and was involved in different research projects. His main task is the development and integration of concepts into test vehicles. Currently, he writes his PhD thesis with the subject: How technology for highly automated driving can be used to improve active safety systems. In 2019, he joined Autonomous Racing Graz as technical lead and is in the racing team responsible for the architecture of the software stack and the integration of the different subsystems. His research interests are related to automated driving, robotics, sensors and the integration of complex/reliable systems.
Prof. Dr. Johannes Betz
Technical University of Munich - TUM
Johannes Betz is Assistant Professor at the new research lab “Autonomous Vehicle Systems” in the Department of Mobility Systems Engineering at the TUM School of Engineering and Design (ED).
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Your contact person
Dr. Dirk Ulrich
Phone.: 06023 - 96 40 - 66
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