MSC delivers aero-acoustics solution to overcome the most difficult noise challenges

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MSC Aeroakustik Software

Acoustic results computed by Actran software complement the aerodynamic analysis performed by SC/Tetra. The steady and unsteady results produced by an SC/Tetra aerodynamic analysis can now be exported in a CFD General Notation System (CGNS) format and subsequently used as the input to Actran to determine the aero-acoustic noise sources in a given system. The acoustic propagation of these noise sources can then be calculated inside Actran to provide users with an accurate evaluation of the noise level and directivity of their designs. Users can access this CFD/Acoustics coupling with MSC One, the token based licensing system that allows users to take advantage of MSC's comprehensive solutions. Engineers now have access to a complete set of capabilities to study a large variety of applications such as noise from rotating fans, flow noise created by vehicle side mirrors, or air conditioning modules noise.

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