Knee Mapping Workshop: The Euro NCAP Test Procedure

Euro NCAP plays a leading role among the tests assessing the passive safety of vehicles in Europe. Its influence now also extends to other countries. Recently the knee impact test procedure within the Euro NCAP frontal impact test was modified, the goal being a less subjective assessment. A hard contact or a sharp edge in the knee area implies the danger for a car manufacturer to be punished with a so-called knee modifier (reduction in points). The knee modifier is the most frequent penalty within the Euro NCAP and impairs some vehicles ' otherwise 5-star ratings. The allocation of a knee modifier often is a controversial decision. If a knee modifier has been allocated by the Euro NCAP inspector the car manufacturer has the possibility of proving - by means of a complex sled test procedure - that the modifier was not justified. After a short introduction the main focus of the workshop is on the current Euro NCAP assessment procedure for frontal impact in the knee area (knee mapping). The current requirements will be explained in detail, in particular the knee modifiers ' Variable Contact ' and ' Concentrated Loading ' , the areas of inspection and the threshold values. Positive / negative examples will facilitate the participants ' understanding of the requirements and the assessment procedure. Participants will learn how to avoid a modifier. The sled test procedure will also be explained and discussed in detail. In the afternoon a demo vehicle, which can be provided by participants, will be analyzed. Volker Sandner, a trained Euro NCAP inspector, can give valuable hints here. A perspective regarding the future development of the test procedure will be given at the end of the seminar.
The seminar addresses specialists from the field of crash, engineers and technicians from numerical simulation and testing, project engineers and managers who want to have a first-hand, up-to-date information and hints on how to avoid knee modifiers in Euro NCAP.
- Overview of Euro NCAP crash tests
- Euro NCAP requirements in the knee area
- Knee modifier, knee mapping test procedure
- Sled test procedure for knee impact
- Discussion of the assessment procedure and possibilities of interpretation
- Workshop with analysis of test vehicles, which can be provided by participants
- Future development of the test procedure
Volker Sandner
ADAC Technik Zentrum Landsberg
Volker Sander has been head of the Vehicle Safety Department of ADAC, which includes active safety, passive safety and accident research, since 2010. Before that, from 1999-2007 he was in charge of the construction of ADAC’s crash test lab as a team manager. From 2007-2010 he lead the Passive Safety Department of ADAC. At Euro NCAP he is a member of the Board of Directors and chairman of the frontal impact working group. In addition to that he is member of the side impact working group, the techincal working group and the ratings group of Euro NCAP. He is also lecturer for vehicle safety at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich.
Dr. Dirk Ulrich
电话: 06023 - 96 40 - 66
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