Simulation of Automated Vehicles - MODULE B: Sensors

Simulation is a key technology in the research and development of highly automated and self-driving cars. More and more engineers use this powerful tool in their daily work to solve multidimensional and interdisciplinary problems. Simulation is mainly used where classical experiments (under controlled conditions) are not possible due to the size, number and complexity or also because of the impact on the environment. The increasing product complexity of software-defined vehicle systems and their mapping to digital twins also leads to deep supply chains in the simulation domain. To navigate this data ecosystem, it is not just about understanding the technology itself, but more importantly be able to confidently evaluate simulation models, methods and processes, know their limitations and optimize the relationship between business impact and resources used.
Our certificate course "Simulation of Automated Vehicles" is open to applicants with a university degree in engineering or science. Applicants should have a basic understanding of virtual vehicle development and automated systems. The course is suitable for professionals, career changers or engaged newcomers who want to further qualify themselves in the simulation domain. Through the course, participants gain a broad and application-oriented knowledge.
The application-oriented certificate course is designed to approach simulation-driven development of highly automated and self-driving cars from both a latest and a future technology perspective. In our online course we use a combination of live expert lectures with hands-on exercises to cover everything from creating digital twins of real world environments, sensor and ADAS technologies, driving functions through to validation and certification of automated vehicles. The course builds on standardization projects such as ASAM OpenX and covers open source software approaches to simplify participants' entry into the technology area. Unlock new career opportunities, expand your knowledge and benefit from interdisciplinary and up-to-date expertise convened by our 20+ top-class lecturers.
- B1 - Sensor Basics
- Jürgen Wille (FrontMod GmbH)
- B2: Sensor Fusion & Integration
- Jürgen Wille (FrontMod GmbH)
- B3: Sensor Simulation
- Jürgen Wille (FrontMod GmbH)
- B4: FMI + OSI Standard
- Pierre Mai (PMSF IT Consulting)
- B5: Sensor Model Validation
- Clemens Linnhoff, Philipp Rosenberger (FZD, Persival GmbH)
- B6: SiL Simulation (Component)
- Dr. Hardi Hungar (DLR e.V.)
- B7: Environmental Effect Modeling for Sensors Behavior Models in a Closed Loop Simulation
- Prof. Stefan-Alexander Schneider (HS Kempten)
- B8: Case Presentations & Discussion
- Participants + Module Lecturers
Jürgen Wille
FrontMod GmbH
Jürgen Wille studied precision engineering at FH Ulm and information technology at the University of Paderborn. He began his professional career as research associate at TU Berlin and the Fraunhofer Institute IZM. He joined Valeo GmbH in 2001 and worked in the field of hardware design and simulation methods over 17 years. Since 2006, he has been involved in the field of perception sensor model development and EMC verification. His focus was lying on ultrasonic and radar sensors and optimisation of sensor mounting positions inside virtual car models. He was involved in the European project "ENABLE-S3" and build up several sensor HIL tester to enable autonomous parking. Jürgen founded FrontMod GmbH in 2018. FrontMod is member of the ASC-S and develops sensor models for OSI standard.
Pierre R. Mai
PMSF IT Consulting
As the founder and owner of PMSF IT Consulting focuses on the intersection between system development and simulation. One key area in the past decade has been the development and standardization of simulation and model interfaces for use in the automotive industry development processes. In this vein Pierre R. Mai is a member of the Modelica Association FMI and SSP, as well as founding member of the ASAM OSI and OpenSCENARIO standardization projects. In the past he coordinated the establishment of the ASAM Simulation Area and the transfer of the OpenX standards to ASAM in an interim capacity. Pierre R. Mai studied computer science at the Technical University Berlin with a focus on programming language design, implementation and constraint systems receiving his degree in 2002. Since then he has founded and lead a number of businesses in the simulation and technology domain, with a broad industrial and automotive customer base.
Dr. Clemens Linnhoff
Persival GmbH
Clemens Linnhoff is co-founder and CTO of Persival GmbH, which supports sensor manufacturers and OEMs in the specification, development and validation of perception sensor models. He recently finished his PhD thesis on "Analysis of Environmental Influences for Simulation of Active Perception Sensors".Until the end of 2022, he has been working for four years as a research associate at the Institute of Automotive Engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt under the supervision of Prof. Hermann Winner. He was responsible for the development and validation of sensor models in the German research project "SET Level". Additionally, he was involved in the German project ViVID to pursue his work on modeling environmental influences in perception sensor data. He published 12 scientific papers in the field and 2 sensor data sets with adverse weather conditions. Together with his research group at TUDa FZD, he started the PerCollECT initiative to collect and provide perception sensor cause-effect chains in a tree-like ontology. Furthermore, he is Sub-Library Maintainer (SLM) for all open source perception sensor models of the asc(s e.V. - ENVITED Open Source Model & Simulation Library.r-modeling.
Philipp Rosenberger
Persival GmbH
Philipp Rosenberger is co-founder and CEO of Persival GmbH, which supports sensor manufacturers and OEMs in the specification, development and validation of perception sensor models. He recently finished his PhD thesis on "Metrics for Specification, Validation, and Uncertainty Prediction for Credibility in Simulation of Active Perception Sensor Systems".Until the end of 2022, he has been working for six years as a research assistant at the Institute of Automotive Engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt under the supervision of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hermann Winner. In the European project "ENABLE-S3" he led the work package for simulation and stimulation and in the German project "PEGASUS" he was responsible for the development and validation of sensor models. Recently, he was involved in the German projects "SET Level" and "Verification & Validation Methods" to continue his work on model development and validation. He is also a founding member and part of the Change Control Board of the ASAM OSI standard. Together with his research group at TUDa FZD, he founded the PerCollECT initiative to collect and provide perception sensor cause-effect chains in a tree-like ontology. Furthermore, he is an active contributor to the open source perception sensor models of the asc(s e.V. - ENVITED Open Source Model & Simulation Library.
Dr. Hardi Hungar
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Hardi Hungar received a PhD in computer science from the Christian Alberechts University in Kiel, and has the venia legendi (habilitation) at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg. For many years, he has worked on methods and tools for the development of dependable and safety-critical systems. These concerned mainly applications in the transportation domain. He has held various positions in academia, research and industry. In his current position, he leads the team on "Processes and Methods for Verification and Validation" at the Institute of Transportation System, which is one of the institutes of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He is currently working mainly on methods for the verification and validation of highly automated vehicles. His focus areas include concepts and languages for defining test scenarios, algorithms and tools to perform exhaustive virtual tests, standard-conformant development, and safety argumentations.
Prof. Dr. Stefan-Alexander Schneider
Hochschule Kempten
Stefan-Alexander Schneider is Sponsored Professor from Continental for Basics in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) at the University of Applied Sciences in Kempten, Germany. His research interest covers Modeling of Environment and Sensor Behavior and Simulation of Test Scenarios and Software Engineering for ADAS and Automated Driving. He is also Guest Lecturer at the Shibaura Institute of Technology in Tokyo, Japan. He did his PhD at TU Munich in adaptive hierarchical FEM to solve PDEs.
Dr. Dirk Ulrich
电话: 06023 - 96 40 - 66
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