PraxisKonferenz Fußgängerschutz 2023 – ON DEMAND

Praxiskonferenz Fußgängerschutz 2023

Bergisch-Gladbach, Juni 2023
Den kompletten aufgezeichneten Live-Stream auf Abruf schauen, wann immer Sie wollen.
Laden Sie alle 16 Präsentationen als pdf-Dateien herunter.

Präsentationen nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.

The PraxisConference, which has been held for the 18th time in 2023, is a unique event combining lectures and praxis. The lectures held by renowned experts, inform about legal requirements, NCAP tests, recent findings from accident research as well as development strategies and tools and active and passive technical solutions for pedestrian protection.


Euro NCAP Roadmap 2030
Direktor & Professor Andre Seeck - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute
NHTSA Pedestrian Safety Updates
Patrick Smith - National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Overview and results of the development work of the ISO Task Group on "advanced Pedestrian Leg Impactors"
Jan Wilsmann - BMW AG
Overview of Euro NCAP 2023 Active Safety Test Procedures for Vulnerable Road Users
Adrian Hellmann - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute
Insight into Active Safety Testing
Boris Terfurth - BGS Böhme & Gehring GmbH
Traffic Safety of Powered Stand-Up Scooters
Dr.-Ing. Holger Staack - AUDI AG
Safety of Cargo Bicycles for Child Transport
Dr.-Ing. Michael Hamacher - fka GmbH; Markus Riese - Riese & Müller GmbH
UN R127 Pedestrian Protection
Irina Dausse - Renault
Legal Requirements for Active Systems of Passive Pedestrian Safety
Oliver Zander - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute
IWG Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems
Dr. Alexander Besch - Volkswagen AG
An Approach to Overcome Pedestrian Safety Challenges on Existing Vehicle Models
Praveen Bansode - Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd
Assessment Schemes and Plans for the next Version of C-NCAP Regarding VRU Passive Safety
Yuanjin Pei - CATARC - China Automotive Technology & Research Center
EDR Triggering in Accidents with Pedestrians and Cyclists
Marcus Wisch - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute; Dr.-Ing. Heiko Johannsen - MHH - Hannover Medical School
Comparison of Simulation Models of the Upper Legform Impactor (uLI) with Virtual Human Body Models (HBMs)
Karan Chatrath - Siemens Digital Industries Software; Stefan Hundertmark - EDAG Engineering GmbH
Influence of Hair Length on the Deployment of Head Airbags
Daniel Huster - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute



EUR 490,00*



* Alle Preise exkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer, ggf. zzgl. Versandkosten.